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Maw Maw My Angel September 26, 2012
Today I woke up missing you and wondering what your day of atonment is like up there. What do you see what do you know. Are you loving Hannah for us are you playing with Pepper. I just some days hate that you are not here and I cant hug you and love on  you and see those Elivs lips you made.
Maw Maw Sharing your peek a boo from above June 11, 2012
On April 26th paw and I had felt you strong that day. We were on the back porch and I asked Paw to take a pic of your silly dog Arffer in the new swing where you use to like to sit. Then he took two pictures one with flash one without........ I loaded teh pics and I clearly saw your face!!!! I could not believe it you were right there with us on the back porch............ Here are those pics in a side by side a friend put together for me.
Maw Maw Love you to the MOON and back June 11, 2012
Weston Clark Reeves One year ago was the last time I held you and kissed your sweet cheeks and got that Elvis lips you always made for me. I love you and miss you much we all do. You took a piece of our heart but part of yours remained so others might live. You are thought of daily and talked about. 2 months ten days of memories that are cherrished. You fly high and spread your angel dust on your big sister Ellie Mae, big brother Shooter and little brother Elijah Clark. Love you much Maw Maw.
Maw maw memories

Weston on the first day of pregnancy and infant loss month you choose while we were all gathered at breakfast to float a kiss down to us all via a feather. Still letting us know you are here......... I Love you baby boy and IM sending kisses back up to you.......... You are always on my mind Love and hugs from your Maw Maw.

Maw maw memories
Saturday your sister Ellie Mae had this conversation with Aunti Tracy
Tracy said "I love you all the way to the moon!" to which she replied "That's where baby brother is. He's swingin' on BIIIIG swing. He's in the stars!" *tear*
Then Saturday while we were out back after your brohter and sister were playing by Westons Place everyone went in but Paw and I were out. I had went to get a drink and was hating walking past that spot where that night happened. When I looked up as I went out the door and BIG ORANGE Butterfly flew and fluttered dancing between me and Paw. I said there is Weston! Hi Weston. 

Then with out Frankie knowing she emailed late Sunday night.... Here is the converstaion because I think you were trying to help your old maw maw and her memory.

  • I saw a beautilful orange butterfly tonight while mowing the yard....made me think of Weston.....then reminded me to send up prayers for you all....

    Maw maw said >>>>>
          • Oh  my goodness how sweet n no way u could know this....but saturday i came out the back door after we had all been out in the back yard. We had a nice time with

          • kids that eve but i was hating comin out cause of that spot n that night. I ws thinkin how i wish Weston could been with us.just then i looked up an orange big butterfly

          • fluttered between me n Todd. I said there goes Weston to Todd. Also i had some stuff i was lookin at n could

            Not remember what one other thing i was wanting. There is a solar orange butterfly that goes in ground n flutters. Now i remember that was the other item. Thanks so much i believe it was meant for u to share with us because also today is hard cause he will be an angel longer than he was with us.

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