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Rachael Reeves
 tonight Ellie was walking around looking for baby brother. She looked under blankets and everything. I told her he was with God and I finally said why don't you get your Wes Wes doll and hold him and I think that helped

my great grandmother (who lives 2 houses down from us) I just talked to Mom and she said she is not doing well and they are going to take her to the hospital On top of Granny BUbba is screaming because his teeth are hurting so I gave him some Advil and put him to bed and Ellie is wlaking around the house going baby brother baby brother. And I head her talking in the licing room and she said I sorry baby and then she saw me and stopped talking


So sweet ellie said Weston not here he up there (she points to clouds) said he smilin n wavin
July 10 at 12:29pm 
Rachael Reeves
 As we shot these fireworks off I was saying I love you Weston this is for you! A few mins laterRachael Reeves called me in where Ellie was laying on the recliner as she is not fond of the fireworks. Ellie was saying I saw baby brother. We asked where ? if on TV or what she said no HERE. As if he was beside her.

July 3rd, 2011
Rachael Reeves
  Ellie said I see Baby Brother. She was lookin towards the top of the window above his crib. We even took her there and she said he is there. She said he smiling. she said he wants us to smile and be happy. She said baby brother is happy. (Out of the mouths of babes)
June 29 at 12:35pm 

Maw Maw

Weston Clark Reeves Maw Maw misses you

There you came on our anniversary and I felt you were my Special lil present on mine and Pa's anniversary. It was okay with us to spend our special day with your arrival. I was right in that delivery room. Nothing impressed me more than your scream soon as you came out. It made my day even more special. When you finally got to come home that was the most joyous day. Everyone was waiting on pins and needles to have you here. You came home and seemed at peace. Your sister Ellie Mae could not been more proud. You and she have a special connection so I guess that it's no wonder that it is she you came to us thru on that afternoon of June 29th. How fitting that your two year old sister would say she is talking to her baby brother at 4 am that morning and that afternoon in front of mommy and me point you out up on the window saying Baby Brother (Wes Wes) is smiling he is happy Baby Brother wants us to smile too. We could not see you there though she pointed and touched the top corner of the window when lifeted up.

Every day I held you and Paw would call at lunch and ask what are you doing? I would say holding a baby! Now lunch calls are not the same. So thankful we each had a special time with you the two days before. I even remember telling Mommy when she went to take from my arms that one time that I was just enjoying holding you. That week before I made a video of you and Paw and Me and You talking and smiliing. Im so glad I did that though you tried your best not to get caught on video. I want to watch that again but just am not ready. That morning you passed Me and Daddy and Aunti tried so hard to save you. We all prayed so hard as the EMT's took you. I love you and  your memories though short in this life will always be here with us. 

You are a special baby and its no wonder you came back to tell us to SMILE be Happy. We need to smile because WESTON SMILED! You were always sensitive to emotions around and I hope that if we are happy and smile we will feel you more and be comforted by you more just as we were a few days ago.

I  hope these videos load on here as they are very special and I want others to see them. See how wonderful you are.
this is when Ellie first met you what a day how special
I love how you towards the middle and end smiled and cooed a few times in this one.
here your sister looked at you and you watched her but your brother you already with personality pushed his finger out of your mouth!

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